Top 8 Camping Necessities You Absolutely Need for Your Next Trip

Camping Necessities

Did you know spending time outdoors benefits your mental and physical health? If you want to go camping but don’t know what to bring, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over the camping necessities you’ll need to bring on your trip.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

1. First Aid Kit

Bumps, cuts, burns, or scratches can occur during an active camping trip. You’ll want to make sure you pack a well-stocked first aid kit. This way, you will have bandages, ointment, and other items in case of an accident.

Take your first aid kit with you when you go on excursions.

2. Tent

If you don’t have an RV or camper, you’ll need to bring your tent unless you plan to sleep under the stars.

Do you own a tent already? Consider opening it up and letting it air out before your trip. This way, you can make sure it isn’t moldy or musty. Check that you have the stakes, poles, and tarp.

3. Pillow and Sleeping Bag

If the weather forecast says it will be hot, you’ll still want to bring your sleeping bags. Mountainous or wooded areas can drop in temperature in the evening. Make sure you don’t forget your pillow.

4. Sleeping Mat or Air Mattress

Bring an air mattress or sleeping mat for your trip. If you don’t need the comfort of one of those, bring them for unseasoned campers. This way, everyone will get a good night’s sleep.

You should test all the air-mattresses you plan to bring. Blow up your sleeping mats to check for any leaks or holes. Bring a battery-operated air pump for your air mattress unless it’s built-in it already.

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5. Don’t Forget Matches

Unless you’re used to starting a fire, you’ll need to bring your matches. If you don’t have a fire, you’ll have limited options when cooking. The evening will be a lot chillier.

Buy matches in bulk. Keep the matches for your next camping trip. You could also check out a Kelly Kettle Rocket Stove at, if you want to cook food.

6. Flashlight or Lantern

You’ll want to make sure you bring a flashlight or a lantern. This way, you can make your way to the bathroom at night. Your light source should be easy to reach.

If you arrive at your site at night, you’ll be able to set your tent up without a problem.

7. All-Weather Clothes

Even if you check the weather forecast, the weather could still change on a dime. Don’t make the mistake of not packing your rain gear. Bring a few extra sets of clothes as well.

You can change out of your damp clothes or layer up on a cold evening.

8. Pocket Knife

A Swiss Army Knife is essential to bring when camping. The knife works like a corkscrew, knife, saw, and a pair of scissors. You’ll have a variety of essentials in one compact size tool.

Now You Know What Camping Necessities You Need

We hope this guide on camping essentials was helpful. Now that you know what camping necessities to bring on your trip, plan your next adventure.

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